Pre-owned Valentino blush pumps featuring rounded peep toe, laser cut lace-like detailing throughout, rolled leather trim, slip on entry, covered stiletto heel and leather outsole.
Includes original dust bag.
I am in love with the Replica Handbag Store . I can't wait to go back. Not only have I grabbed some things from my mother's closet to see if they're interested, I know that I will find amazing things there. In fact, I'm wearing a pair of pants I found there just last week. They have friendly staff, the best collection and it's in beautiful place to just browse.
My favourite consignment store in Toronto. Always a great selection of clothes and purses in good condition. I’ve never left the store empty handed and shopping online is a pleasure also.
I’ve bought and consigned with them before. They took 2/3 things and were very thorough which is good because it means they are picky and it makes me feel safe as a consumer as well. They have excellent selection and the staff are super friendly