Pre-owned Prada white Raffia crochet tote bag featuring dual flat handles, embroidered logo in black on front and an unlined interior.
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I am in love with the Replica Handbag Store . I can't wait to go back. Not only have I grabbed some things from my mother's closet to see if they're interested, I know that I will find amazing things there. In fact, I'm wearing a pair of pants I found there just last week. They have friendly staff, the best collection and it's in beautiful place to just browse.
I’ve bought and consigned with them before. They took 2/3 things and were very thorough which is good because it means they are picky and it makes me feel safe as a consumer as well. They have excellent selection and the staff are super friendly
VSP is my favourite consignment store. Beautifully curated collection of designer, some vintage and extra special pieces in a beautiful store. I am both a customer and consigner and my experience with both is stellar. Staff are great - friendly and helpful. Highly recommend!