Pre-owned Valentino beige leather Roman flats featuring a pointed toe, gold tone signature Rockstuds, overlapping straps across vamp, adjustable ankle strap with buckle, leather insole, and black leather outsole.
Includes original box and dust bag.
I am in love with the Replica Handbag Store . I can't wait to go back. Not only have I grabbed some things from my mother's closet to see if they're interested, I know that I will find amazing things there. In fact, I'm wearing a pair of pants I found there just last week. They have friendly staff, the best collection and it's in beautiful place to just browse.
VSP is my favourite consignment shop! The items they sell are well cared for, and none of that old consignment shop smells! They are super professional and ship fast when I can’t make it to shop in the store. I would highly recommend for the styles they carry and love the vibe of staff and store.
I love VSP! Great selection, very reasonable prices, friendly staff. Highly recommend browsing their sale items, I guarantee you will leave with more than you planned to!